Really? Do I know it's you? Yes, I think I do. Your smiling face appears
next to your name in the email. <g>
I like the part about it being illegal unless there is clear intent to
defraud. I think a lot of the companies who use this service do not
'intend' to defraud, they just intend to separate you from some of your
money for little value received. Most of the calls I've had fall into the
'Because you've stayed in one of our resorts before, you have been selected
. . .' Trouble is, I've never stayed at a resort, ever. And the calls are
recordings. I don't talk to machines talking about my winning something. On
the few occasions when I've tried to talk to a human by following their
prompts, they either apologize and promise not to do it again (Ha!), or: I
asked to speak to one caller's supervisor. He said he was the supervisor. I
told him not to call me again. He laughed and told me to go fuck myself.
There are all kinds of terrible things I'd like to wish upon these people,
but I'm trying to learn to be a better person. Some days are better than
others. <g>
--Bob Whitmire
Certified Neanderthal
On Mon, Jun 19, 2017 at 9:45 AM, Jez Cunningham <jez@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hey Bob
> See
> All too easy.
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