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Re: [OM] Four thirds system advice

Subject: Re: [OM] Four thirds system advice
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2017 11:29:55 -0700
On 6/16/2017 10:43 AM, Jan Steinman wrote:
If you are interested in adapting old film lenses to digital, I urge you to 
consider some form of EVIL (Electronic Viewfinder, Interchangeable Lens) 
camera, like the m4/3rds system. Sony has them. Fuji has them. There are 
probably others. But Oly/Panasonic m4/3rds is currently the most extensive and 
best supported EVIL system, in my opinion.

Moose has spoken highly of Canon EOS, which apparently has a register distance 
between EVIL and full-frame, thus making adaptation simpler.

Ancient history. Before EVIL/Mirrorless, EOS was the only choice other than 4/3, as it had a shorter register distance than any of the other old, FF mounts. So it became the closest thing to a universal recipient for other mounts, although only some of them, most notably, for me, OM.

But that was then. I had a good run, feet wet with a 300D, then five years of very satisfying active use with a 5D. But truth be told, I rapidly moved away from adapted FF lenses for all but super-tele. The whole business of MF on those bodies was unsatisfactory for me. My experience with a 60D was not bad, I got some great images that I still love, but I was never really comfortable with it. I bought it in part to get live view, but LV on a DSLR is a pain. All the Canon gear is gone, but for a stray IR remote I ran across the other day. (Anybody want a free one?)

I'm split personality now, µ4/3 is far my most used system; used only with native, AF lenses. Suits me down to the ground. Yes, I have adapters that allow me to use several different mounts on it, but I found I don't like that. The Meade 1000/11 may still find some use, but the PLeica 100-400 has supplanted MF Sigma 600/8 and OMZ 500/8.

Adapted FF MF lenses, from ancient T-Mounts, through OM, Nikon F, M42, a specialized Minolta and LensBabies go on the FF EVIL/Mirrorless Sony A7.

The A7 series are the new universal recipient, and far more flexible and useful than EOS DSLRs for adapted lenses. There are problems with some old lenses, esp. SWAs, but they're far superior to any other FF alternative.

Universal Compatibility Moose

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