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[OM] IBIS vs. IBIS It's only a dream.

Subject: [OM] IBIS vs. IBIS It's only a dream.
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 27 May 2017 21:18:09 -0700
I know some here are feeling the siren song of FF with IBIS. A post about A7II IBIS 
from TOP today"

"It's wise to experiment with the A7II before you buy one. That was my mistake, I had a Olympus E-M5 and loved the IBIS. Sold it to get the A7II thinking I would get both better IQ and about the same IBIS. I was wrong: in my experience (or my camera sample) the Sony IBIS is almost like a placebo in the sense sometimes one doubts it's making anything. I made some tests and confirmed that I only gained 1 stop in the best scenarios but mostly half a stop with IBIS on, hardly worth it. A shame since I really anted it to work, full-frame with Oly level IBIS would be a dream."

Posted by: Ricardo Silva Cordeiro <http://www.silvacordeiro.com>

My response repeats a warning about expectations that I've made before:

"It's physics and the relationship between linear dimensions and area. Making the possibly unwarranted assumption that the two sensors weigh about the same per area, the FF would weigh four times as much.

Then, for the same amount of correction at the same AoV, that heavier sensor has to be moved twice as far. Accelerating 4x the mass and then stopping it over twice the distance, in the same time, is more than 8x the work. A proper engineer, not me, could tell you what that amounts to.

To match the performance of the E-M5, let alone the better E-M5 II or even better yet E-M1 II, would require really big, powerful movement hardware. I wouldn't be surprised if the whole camera shook.

I've made this suggestion to friends who find the idea of FF with IBIS seductive. 
Sorry you found out the hard way."

Warning Bell Moose

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