Yes, a friend here identified it earlier. The image I uploaded is less
than 10% of the original photo. I took this with my new/used E-500 fitted with
a Sigma 28-85/3.5-4.5 lens. I had opened up the aperture all the way for
focusing, then stopped down to f/11 for the photo.
>According to pp.96 of Birds of North America, you have a nice closeup of
>a Black-Crowned Night Heron. L 20", W 44".
>> I admit that I'm not good at identifying birds, so you can
>>understand why I'm totally baffled at this one that I saw last Friday
>>while cyling past a riparian area:
>> This is a fairly large bird, about 18-24" long. The plumage varies
>>from a white breast to charcoal gray wings and cap. You will notice that
>>there are two white tassels fro the back of the head and a pale yellow
>>thingy beneath the beak. The feet indicate that this is neither a water
>>fowl (not webbed) not a bird of prey (no talons).
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: