<<Actually, the 60mm macro lens has a working distance of a 60mm lens (apart
<<from the internal focussing aspects of FL shortening at macro
<<magnifications). The magnification (fov) is determined by the crop of the
<<image (circle).
<<On the lens barrel of the 60mm it says "1:1 - 19cm (7,5")", "1:4 - 34cm",
<<"1: 8 - 57mm".
Yes, correct and good to point out. Magnification is a function of the
projection and not sensor size but I thought Chuck made the question at hand
clear. The terminology could use an update.
What many care about more is what the image looks like. So an image at 1:1
with a 120mm lens on full frame would require use of a 60mm lens on 4/3 at 1:2
to appear about the same. The working distance
is about the same as 90mm lens on full frame. That is the point. A longer FL
macro lens would be welcome.
Don't spook the critters, Mike
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