It's a dark day when one thinks about such dark thoughts...
The time has come to start divesting myself of the darkroom. We're
going to be moving (who knows where or when, but likely this summer),
and downsizing while we are at it. I think it's time to start shedding
the darkroom printing operation. I'll keep the film development side
going, but really need to get out of the printing side. That's what
takes up so much space.
Over the summer I'll sell, gift and trade the gear that I've
accumulated. There is some sweet stuff there too. The RH Designs gear
alone is worth the price of admission.
Anyway, film ain't dead, but Silver-gelatin printing pretty much is
for me. I'll go 100% digital output for B&W and Color. I'll keep
shooting film and scanning it. I'm pretty satisfied now with that
process and the output now is adequate.
You may ask what is going on? We're done here where we are living and
I'm working on a new career. As such, we'll be moving and probably
moving a few times as things go whichever way they go. From here on
out, we're most likely going to rent instead of buy. So, apartments or
condos will be our lifestyle. (We might move to Alaska, Canada, Europe
or maybe even somewhere here in the lower-48).
The next move for the 4x5 enlarger will be to somebody else.
The general rule-o-thumb is that whatever has been gifted to me will
be gifted to someone else. That's actually quite a bit of stuff. There
are a few items that were acquired on a barter basis, and a lot of
other things will be priced fairly.
BTW, for anybody interested, I have a huge box full of LONG expired
printing paper that dates back to the 50's and 60's. Including that
awesome Dupont stuff. I've run a few tests about a year ago and some
is still usable (with restrainer) while the rest probably just needs
fixing/washing and recoating for alt-process.
So, it all comes down to three main reasons--reinventing life, moving,
and massive downsizing. Otherwise, I wouldn't dream of giving up the
darkroom. But I think investing in a new flatbed scanner (for MF and
LF film) and a new printer will be an acceptable alternative.
List of gear would be a couple of enlargers (6x6cm, 4x5"), trays,
easels, contact printers, analyzer, timer, focusers, washers,
safelights, and oodles of other doodads. All of the things that no
self-respecting darkroom rat wouldn't be caught without. Last year, I
got rid of all the junk darkroom gear (I parted out and threw away
three or four garbage enlargers), and have all functional and decent
gear left.
AG Schnozz
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: