No doubt that there was something wrong with the approach, Piers, but I’d be
loath to trust too much to Wikipedia: there is too much supposition in that
article, not to mention inconsistencies. For instance, it mentions that the
captain was Sqn Ldr Howard, but then that the co-pilot ignored the order to
divert. The captain would be the one to take that decision, whether or not
there was an air officer on board.
I have no reason to think that an ILS approach would have been any more
successful than a GCA: the former requires interpretation by the pilot, whereas
for the latter the pilot merely has to follow directions from the controller on
the ground. In PPRuNE someone posts that the cloudbase was 300ft (Wiki
mentions only the visibility, admittedly appalling at 150m) which gave a decent
margin above the normal Decision Height of 200ft.
I suspect that the pilot became disorientated in the latter stages of the
approach, perhaps under the pressure of the occasion, and flew the aircraft
into the ground.
>> The very first Vulcan delivered to RAF provided the first example of the
>> front seat crew ejecting, while the rest (+1 civilian passenger!)
>> perished... at London Heathrow airport of all places... and (strange to
>> relate), the Vulcan did not have ILS fitted... yet the Air Marshal up front
>> (perfectly normal, no doubt) allegedly insisted on landing in very poor
>> weather. RIP three squadron leaders and one Avro technical advisor.
>> Memorable for all the wrong reasons.
>> Google XA897.
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