True, but I'm getting very tired of this stuff regardless of the
>Talk about odd. This goes beyond any normal profile. At first blush,
>everything looks normal and was handled from Alaska to Florida as
>expected. He gets his checked luggage (baggage return is outside the
>secure boarding area of an airport), goes into the bathroom and comes
>out firing.
>This dude must have been highly agitated about something. And that
>something had to have been just a trigger after a stack of other
>things that built up to that point. An extremely long day of flying,
>irritating fellow passengers, air-sickness bags on the last leg,
>crying children, and somebody grabbing his bag at the baggage claim.
>And add to that the potential of coming into contact absorption of PCP
>at the airport. (actually a problem in some places).
>More will be revealed, for sure, but this can't devolve into a
>gun/anti-gun argument as there really has to be more to the story than
>something that binary. I can't imagine that anybody who probably spent
>that much effort to escape the snow and cold of Alaska to enjoy
>January in Florida would decide to become a terrorist or murderer.
>Something, or multiple things happened to bring it to this point.
>Along the way, how many things could have been done to diffuse
>whatever it was that was building up and caused him to snap.
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro
- Hunter S. Thompson
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: