Bad luck, chum. I’d guess that someone was relying on your patriotism as well.
“Tennessee Hillbillies” indeed! :-)
> On 16 Dec 2016, at 15:14, Jim Nichols <jhnichols@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Chris, an acquaintance of mine got very upset and tried to get the path
> altered, to no avail. The flights were out of the Atlanta area. I must
> assume that no one cared about the votes of us Tennessee Hillbillies, so we
> were considered to inhabit the nearest "vast wasteland". They flew in pairs,
> so it was a double slap in the face each time they came over.
> Jim Nichols
> Tullahoma, TN USA
> On 12/16/2016 12:35 AM, ChrisB wrote:
>> I’d have been a little grumpy at the damage caused by those flights, Jim.
>> Why couldn’t the aircraft fly out to sea?
>> I hold no brief for the ghastly chap who might be the next President, but I
>> do have my doubts about the wisdom of this country to tie its maritime air
>> power to the F35. The USA will probably make the best of it, but I have a
>> feeling that this country will run out of money maintaining its F35 fleet.
>> Nice photos though, Jim. And the calendar is a good idea, whatever the
>> capabilities of our devices; if I remembered to maintain a paper calendar
>> less would be forgotten in this household . .
>> Chris
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