Canon 6D
Olympus E-3
The Canon has a larger and superior sensor.
The Olympus is a superior camera.
Canon 6D
Olympus E-1
The Canon has a larger sensor and live-view.
The Olympus is a superior camera.
Canon 6D
Panasonic L1
The Canon is boring.
The Panasonic has personality.
The Canon 6D has a very good sensor and several features that I make
use of (GPS, Live-view, Video recording, focus confirmation). But it
is like stepping back in time. The camera lacks personality and it
lacks the intangibles. Push a button, spin a dial. Yawn. Nothing to
see here, move along. The other cameras have quirks, oddities and
personality. They influence the type of pictures you get. Do they
stand in the way of the photographer? Not exactly. More like they lean
on you a little bit and say "hey, have you considered photographing it
this way?".
While I've been making awesome pictures (at least, I think so) with
the 6D, it isn't coming naturally. The camera has the personality of a
cargo van with vinyl seats. I have to work really hard to get artistic
pictures with this camera. On the plus side, I've been able to get
artistic with the OM Zuikos, so that is a trade-off, but the camera
itself just isn't helping.
I AM enjoying the high ISO performance, and other capabilities of the
camera which I don't have with anything else, but that's sensor stuff,
not camera stuff.
AG Schnozz
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: