To paraphrase Tom Lehrer:
We will remain
Serene and calm
If Donald Trump
Gets The Bomb.
>Last Saturday, I photographed this house in Mishawaka, Indiana. I've been
>photographing a lot of houses with political signs in Indiana recently, with
>the presidential election a little over a week away.
>If it seems that I am posting nothing but photo of pro-Trump signs, keep in
>mind that I am in Indiana. In the city of 260,000 I live in, I have seen a
>grand total of FOUR signs for Hillary Clinton. Four! Trump signs are
>EVERYWHERE here. In addition to the standard Trump signs, there also the
>Hillary For Prison signs that I see a lot of here.
>I did shoot some anti-trump signs yesterday that I will post tomorrow, so
>fear not, I have political photos for everyone.
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro
- Hunter S. Thompson
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: