On 10/28/2016 12:09 PM, Ken Norton wrote:
I did my walk in two parts. First half was with the OM-3Ti and 50/1.4
lens. The second half was with the 6D with same 50/1.4 lens. (there
was a method behind my madness).
But speaking of madness, going to the 6D was like totally miserable.
Metering is unnatural, handling aweful, and the viewfinder? Sick, man,
You just did it in the wrong order. :-)
Mirrorless is orders of magnitude better for that purpose.
Never use a Canon DSLR right after using the OM-3Ti. Ugh. It's like
eating caulflower right after chocolate ice cream.
Still got your order wrong.
Priorities Moose
What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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