I've liked my old Vivitar T4/TX 200 and 300 lenses, but the best performer
I have encountered for that range is my Samyang 100-500/5.6-7.1. With a Sigma
2X teleconverter I can photograph the label on a line transformer from a
distance of about 1/8 mile and read the lettering clearly, and there does not
appear to be any colour aberration:
I'm very much surprised as to the optical quality of the Samyang lenses
that I have acquired, especially since they are an obscure brand.
>A new experience; yesterday I spent about 11 hours as a
>film extra for a local company. Interesting but much boredom as I was
>actually used for only about 3 hours of that time. The $180 pre-tax
>remuneration made it worth while. I didn't 'need' the money, but many of
>those present did. Quite a few gave up their normal day job in order to
>take part.
>2. Recently I had need to try the Zuiko 200/4 and 300/4.5
>on the M5 for a subject about 1 km distant.
>I found them very
>disappointing. Difficult to focus, much ?chroma? green margins on items,
>and not sharp. The kit tele lens (guessing 50 - 150) was much sharper.
>3. I wanted to use my Zuiko 500/8 but search as I did I could not find
>it. My conclusion is that it also must have evaporated in our house
>fire. For the life of me I can not remember where I had it stored then.
>I have used both the 200 and the 300 on the E1 and the E3 with
>satisfactory results, so for me the mirror reflex cameras are 'it' for
>those two lenses.
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>Archives: http://lists.thomasclausen.net/mailman/private/olympus/
>Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: http://www.tope.nl/
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro
- Hunter S. Thompson
Options: http://lists.thomasclausen.net/mailman/listinfo/olympus
Archives: http://lists.thomasclausen.net/mailman/private/olympus/
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: http://www.tope.nl/