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Re: [OM] (A Lot of) OM Stuff For Sale (probably)

Subject: Re: [OM] (A Lot of) OM Stuff For Sale (probably)
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 16 Oct 2016 22:23:35 -0500
> Yes with mag LV mapped to C1, waaay easier than focusing through OVF on 
> OM5DII when stopped down.   (easy on OM bodies of course)  Mag LV seemed more 
> accurate than focus peaking, but not sure about the focus peaking settings.  
> IBIS would be welcome of course. Except on a tripod, the Sonny mirrorless is 
> just a better digital back, IMO.   I am glad Moose brought that along on his 
> journey so could have some quality time with the A7 and a few OM lenses.   
> Sonny has a "BIG" announcement 10/17.  Rumor mill  lists a bunch of 
> possibilities, including an OMA9 or  OMA7rIII.

I was highly blessed to be able to pick up my OM-6D for just over
$600. It has already earned its keep a few times around. But I'm very
much of the feeling that a live-view full-frame will be my next
purchase. I see no reason for optical viewfinder when there is
essentially no usable focusing aids and the screen is not designed to
be focused on anyway. I can usually get my way there, but it isn't
like using a real OM body with 2-13 screen.

As to the bag-o-stuff that KQ has, I can speak to the gloriousness of
the OM-3Ti, 28/2, 100/2 and 35-80. Also, the "lowly" 300/4.5 is an
extremely capable lens with a look/feel to the images that is
unmatched by other lenses. I really leaned on this lens a lot last
week. I got images that I never got before.

The 21/2 is the one lens that I'm slobbering like a fool over. But
something will probably have to go...

AG Schnozz
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