It appears to be working well. I've opened a couple of recovered PDF
files, and they're intact. First time in all my attempts that I've been able
to do that. I don't want to disturb it while it's running, so I'm going to
keep busy with other things. For now, this software is a winner.
BTW: The menu of file types is extensive, and in the future I'll just
select the few that I'm interested in.
>I'll be very interested to see if this works. From reading the
>description it sounds to me like it only handles fairly common stuff. I
>hope I'm wrong.
>> I just installed the Testdisk/Photorec package, and later today I'll
>>see if it lives up to its claims. It's licensed under GNU, and I've yet yet
>>to be disappointed by anything from that source.
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro
- Hunter S. Thompson
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: