I’ve just had a thought. While away last weekend in our caravan, I had slight
ache in one leg for part of the night, perhaps because I had not had the space
in the caravan to perform my normall pre-bed stretching exercises. An
osteopath gave me the exercises to prevent the return of sciatica last year.
Could your cramps be sciatica? If so, why not get an osteopath to teach you
the requisite stretches to resolve the discomfort?
> On 4 Aug 2016, at 16:42, Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> About 6 weeks ago I wrote the little report below saying "bed soap" didn't
> work for me. Since then I had forgotten about it until this morning when one
> of the the two little bars I put under the mattress cover managed to work its
> way out and fell onto the floor at the end of the bed.
> As I picked it up I suddenly realized that I haven't had a single leg cramp
> since not long after writing the post below... probably a month or more. It's
> a huge change from the time I was having 1-3 severe leg cramps most every
> night. Maybe it takes 2-3 weeks to start working. In any case the soap will
> stay as long as leg cramps stay away.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: