Amazing stuff. Seen on the patio recently: dozens of dragon flies, a
blue tailed skink and a little green tree frog. None of which chose to
pose for more than 100 milliseconds. :-)
Chuck Norcutt
On 7/14/2016 11:46 PM, Moose wrote:
After getting a pretty nice image of a green bottle fly rather casually
with moderate gear, I got curious about what other ones I hadn't been
paying attention to. The next day was not conducive to sitting out,
waiting for them to come to me, but I ventured out with TG-4 and
teleconverter, 170 mm eq., to see what was out and about and try its
focus stacking.
I did get what I consider a pleasing composition of a fly on a fern. And
the stacking worked a treat for the fly and foliage, giving much better
DoF on the frond than any single shot, while the background is nicely
soft. <>
OTOH, I couldn't get close enough to this small fly to get a good
close-up, and going 100% with the tiny sensor, mistakenly set at ISO
400, had little detail. <>
A few days later, I toted the E-M5 II, PLeica 100-400 and Nikon 5T C-U
lens out with me as I sat in the sun. I fairly easily got a better green
bottle shot than before.
I tried some stacking, but the flies were quite active, so all the
series did was nail focus/DoF one or two single shots, as the above one.
The next day out, I found some of the smaller flies I had seen and shot
with the TG-4. I discovered that they are hoverers, as easily noticed
from their shadows as directly, and hard to get the AF to find. I did
get "closer" with the longer lens. Closer to 1/4" than 3/8" in length,
with similar wingspan, they are much smaller in bulk than the green
This is a full frame of a shot of one.
A crop of the same shot.
And a head on shot at greater distance. Not as good detail and DoF, but
I love the pose, and the way its perch is isolated.
A couple of days later, a small fly found the skin of my knee
fascinating, so I took it's picture. It was in constant, rapid motion,
and DoF is tiny at that distance/magnification, but I did get shots that
should ID him, should I want to.
I did manage to get two shots without too much movement between them,
giving a strange image of a creature in focus at back and head, but
fading into softness in the far middle. :-)
Then a green bottle sat still on a sprinkler head long enough for a
focus stack. Terrific job on the foreground, but I need different
settings to get deep enough for the far wing. Still, rather nice.
Then, there's this thing. Big, hovers like a hummingbird/clearwing moth,
the body hair is like some of them, but the head, 'eyebrows' and mouth
parts are wrong. <>
It did pose for a peekaboo shot.
Then flew right up and sat still briefly on a flower right in front of
me. <>
The combination of PLeica @ 400 mm and 5T really is da bomb for live
shootin' of these little critters.
Flying Moose
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: