Don Holbrook has pointed out that (no surprise) my memory is bad. The
very minor E-M1 v4.1 firmware update did not reset custom settings as I
said it did. I must have been thinking of the very major v4.0 update
which did reset custom settings. Don's link (below) for the contents of
v4.0 and v4.1 reminded me that there are some things in the v4.0 update
that I've forgotten about and some things I don't understand and need to
Since the latest firmware update available when I shipped my camera to
Oly was v4.1, the fact that the camera was returned with settings
returned to defaults must be (as Moose suggested) due to full functional
testing of the camera. That is further indicated by a survey question I
got from Oly asking me if I would be interested in a less expensive
sensor cleaning service that was *only* sensor cleaning. I had no
previous indication that it was ever anything else.
Chuck Norcutt
On 7/13/2016 9:04 PM, Don Holbrook wrote:
settings not deleted, just did mine
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