Interested in John Hudson's points about EU ...
Ian ..... left unsaid so far on this forum has been any expression of
potential future events should the UK have voted to have remained in the
EU. For instance, is a not a long shot at all to surmise that within the
next ten years the following would have occurred or be in active process
of completion:
1 Abandonment of the Pound and adoption of the Euro with little say by
the UK
2 Banking union
3 Integration of the UK taxation system into an EU wide tax code
4 Complete subservience of the UK judicial system to the EU Court of
5 Oversight of the UK budget preparation process and submission to
Parliament along with EU rights to reject or amend same without any
right of appeal
6 Ultimate control of the NHS and other welfare facilities by the EU
7 Loss of control of the UK's armed forces in favour of the EU
8. Complete oversight of UK foreign policy by the EU with mandatory
directives from the EU to alter course where it saw fit.
9 Change over from driving on the left to the right
10. Abandonment of gasolene and diesel powered vehicles a la Norway in
favour of electric and pedal powered vehicles.
Sounds funny .......... I really do not think so. Perhaps there was a
lot of other good reasons to vote to get off the bus other than wanting
to take control of the borders.
You know, this is *exactly* what the US federal government does with the
states (except 9 and 10 of course). So, in many respects, looking at the
USA today is the image of where the EU wants to be in 50-100 years. Of
course, that's' a bit scary perhaps .... but I don't really believe any US
folks would want all of these items reversed. I mean, not having the
common dollar, or common taxation, or common judicial system, or common
foreign policies (oh, maybe we'd waffle here a bit.), just wouldn't be
desirable for most.
And on Ken's comments: I have said for the last year that the TSA
Pre-check is the precursor of the rebellion. That is, all the normal
folks waiting in the long lines, seeing (us) elites saunter through
quickly: now that foments resentment !!!
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