I see that your "toy" commuter plane is using the relatively new high-tech
"scimitar" propeller blades. They are using these on the C-130J models in
place of the flat-bladed Hamilton-Standard props that I was used to, which were
used on the E and H models and later the early A models after the hubs on the
3-bladed Curtis Electric props began developing cracks and failing in flight.
Supposedly these scimitar bladed props are more efficient
>A collection of images from last week, mostly from Munich but also a few
>from around here. As usual, I have kept some people pictures for the blog,
>as well as some other odds and ends, including strange statues, food, bad
>weather, smiling people, non-smiling people etc.:
>There are also some pictures from the golf course, from my usual bar etc.
>As always, comments and critique are welcome and appreciated.
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro
- Hunter S. Thompson
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