On 4/18/2016 6:09 PM, Chuck Norcutt wrote:
These images are an assortment of different crops of my Live Oak Allee image. I was going to ask for preferences.
But that was before my wife discovered what the aspect ratio looks like of a 2x5 foot print. She it totally aspect
ratio challenged. Doesn't understand it, can't visualize it.
. . .
She's agreed that the 48x30 is OK... looks more like a normal photo to her because it *not* a pano. I don't much care
for the 48x30 since it has too much sky. But that may be where I have to go if I'm going to hang it in the dining
room. Thoughts?
I vote for the 60x20; it best captures the entryway quality. In fact, I really like it. But I suspect my vote doesn't
count. :-(
Don't worry, I won't tell her what *you* said. :-)
I'm not likely as tough as Peg, but I'm a lot bigger - and far, far away, so
I'm good. :-)
Moose D'Opinion
What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?