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Re: [OM] OT: Win7 Problem

Subject: Re: [OM] OT: Win7 Problem
From: Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2016 08:40:54 -0400
Follow Steve's advice and run MEMTEST 86 <http://www.memtest86.com/> for about 24 hours before declaring there is no hardware problem. Memory or any other hardware problem can be very intermittent.

Also, the fact that you don't see the problem with a different OS or a different mode may be intermittency or simply the fact that different areas of memory are being used in those modes. MEMTEST 86 will do a thorough test of all system memory. Allow MEMTEST to do lots of pattern testing. Whether an error occurs in memory can be due to specific bit patterns in use.

Chuck Norcutt

On 3/24/2016 6:50 PM, Chris Trask wrote:
Here's another aspect of the problem:  The laptop in question is the
one I have been using for a few years with WinXP primarily and Win7
occasionally.  This memory problem does not take place with WinXP,
either regular or in SAFE MODE.  It's only a problem with Win7 SAFE
MODE and Win7 System Repair.  So, it's very unlikely to be a hardware

The defective driver is most likely the problem, but I have not
been able to locate it.  I'll give your suggestion a try.

It's a hardware error message that is caused by either faulty
memory or an incompatible driver for something.  Note that the
memory could by system memory or graphics card memory.  My bet
would be a driver issue.  You could run something like
http://www.memtest86.com/ to rule out hardware.

Steve Troy

----- Chris Trask <christrask@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: |      Not
necessarily.  It operates properly in normal Win7 mode.  Doing
|the memory scan in normal mode ends up with no problems found.
| | > | >A memory parity error is a hardware problem.


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