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Slide rules

Subject: Slide rules
From: Dean Hansen <hanse112@xxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2016 07:18:15 -0400
Hi Chris, HI Moose, Hi Mike, Hi Jim,
     Chris posted on the OM List:  "Did you know you can add using a slide
Reminds me of a joke a physicist friend told me:

     Noah was cleaning up the Ark after all the pairs of animals had
disembarked, and he came across a pair of snakes hiding in the lower hold.
 "You can go now," said Noah.  "Go forth, and be fruitful and multiply."
     "Ah, but we can't multiply," replied one of the snakes sadly.  "You
see, we're adders."
     Noah scratched his head, pondered for a moment, and then sent for his
sons for some help.  In just a few minutes they had gathered up some stray
logs and constructed a table out of these logs,
    "Now, snakes, you can use this," said Noah.
    For Noah knew that even adders can multiply on a log table.

Best wishes,
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