the refurb is probably cheaper than what you were going to
pay..............mine looks and acts new.
----- Original Message -----From: Chuck Norcutt
<chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>To: Olympus Camera Discussion
<olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>Sent: Mon, 07 Mar 2016 11:08:20 -0000 (UTC)Subject:
Re: [OM] I'm a little slow...
Of my several cameras the one that gets practically no use is the one that
doesn't support raw. That began to bother me about the TG-860. Along with your
other warnings I began to realize this was not the right camera. I canceled the
order with Adorama. I'll get a TG-4 when I get a better price deal in the
future. Thanks for the warning... it made me think about a more general purpose
camera than simply something that's waterproof.
Chuck Norcutt
On 3/6/2016 7:13 AM, Chuck Norcutt wrote:> Thanks for the warning. I do
remember a post about a bad Oly Tough> camera but didn't recall the model
number. I chose to go with the> TG-860 based on the recommendation in DPReview.
The purpose for buying> the camera is to have a waterproof camera to take on
this fishing trip> and also for use in my kayak. I have plenty of other gear to
handle dry> weather.>> I'll follow your recommendations and if the IQ is bad
will return it> right away. I can understand lens quality differences but the
problems> with DR and artifacts should be a function of the sensor which should
be> the same on both cameras. In any case, if it doesn't do fine in sun or>
modest light it will go back. Maybe the TG-4 does better in the noise>
department by shooting at F/2 all the time.>> Chuck Norcutt>>> On 3/5/2016
10:56 PM, Moose wrote:>> On 3/5/2016 5:21 PM, Chuck Norcutt wrote:>>> This
morning I got an email from Adorama offering a one day sale on>>> the Olympus
<>>>> for
$199. It doesn't have an f/2 lens or do raw or aperture priority>>> as does its
more expensive brother, the TG-4>>>
<>>>> but,
I'm treating a good friend to a river/ocean fishing trip in about>>> 10 days
and I have no camera I'm willing to risk on a wet adventure>>> like that. The
price was right so I decided to buy one.>>>> I hope you like it. I was deeply
disappointed with the reconditioned>> TG-850 I bought the day after Pearl
Harbor Day, 2014. After some modest>> use last summer, it somehow disappeared.
I haven't seen it since. Did I>> actually manage to use it?
Unconscious-intentionally? It is lurking>> somewhere, waiting to pop up and
annoy me? Only cost $120 +tax, but>> still, IQ was strictly mediocre to poor;
not very sharp, poor DR, lots>> of artifacts at 100%, even at base ISO.. I
don't think I got a single>> shot ou
t of it that was worth the trouble of taking it. A couple I could>> save, but
... If all one wants is the eq. of 35mm, drugstore processed>> snaps, I suppose
it is fine.>>>> And I did post about my disappointment here.>>>> The TG-4 is a
whole different proposition. With Raw output, and the>> different lens, IQ is
wildly better, C-U/macro is excellent; it's a>> really usable camera. I hope
for your sake that either I got a bad>> refurb or the 860 is a lot better. I do
recommend that you give it a>> good tryout quickly.>>>>> But before I bought it
I downloaded the manual to check it out. I was>>> slightly surprised to see all
the features. Eventually I got to Wi-Fi>>> and smartphones and the OI.Share
app. It uses the phone to set the>>> time, to run a GPS log, to control and
fire the camera remotely and>>> maybe more. Something rang a bell and I brought
up the E-M1 manual to>>> discover (rediscover?) that the E-M1 can use this app
as well.>>>> It's a good app. Not as slick as the Pann
y one, but very capable. I've>> used the WiFi remote control for remote
release, shooting longer>> exposures, exposure bracketing, etc. It's nice to
set up the camera on a>> tripod, then sit back, waiting for the light or action
you want.>>>>> I probably paid that stuff little heed since my then
"smartphone">>> wasn't very smart. But now my wife and I have iPhones and I'm
paying>>> more attention. I'm pleased to see the E-M1 has more function than
I>>> thought.>>>> And, now that you have the 60/2.8 Macro, you can do Focus
Stacking>> in-camera. The TG-4 does that for me, and amazingly well, but only
macro>> and I'm sure not as good as the E-M1, esp. with Raw output.>>>> TG
Redemption Moose>>--
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