On 2/19/2016 4:38 AM, bj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Moose wrote
Moose wrote One of our favorite sections of a
favorite road. <http://zone-10.com/tope2/main.php?g2_itemId=19561 [1]
[1]> We went out wandering yesterday in West Marin and Sonoma Cos. ...
Wanderin' Moose
............................................................. Images
with great potential.
I'd like to think I got at least part way
Now your challenge is to figure out the lighting and
atmospheric conditions which will yield totally outstanding shots :-)
And act on them. !!
Weellll ... I thought I had done that.
That was
written partly tongue in cheek. I think the avenue shot would be
difficult to improve on; it's really nice.
But the hard frontal
lighting of the well-found subject of the rounded tree against a round
hill does it less than justice, IMO.
Ah well, different strokes ... Fairly diffuse light, as the sun had moved West behind a thinnish overcast coming in from
the coast. The look you don't much like was intentional on my part. The tree has more LCE and Curves applied than the
rest. I thought it looked rather flat and didn't stand out from the hill otherwise.
I'll be by there again, and keep my eyes open for different light.
Hard Frontal Moose
So; you used a tripod for them, not
relying on 5-axis IS?
If I were to find such a unique and photogenic
composition, I'd return a time or two.
Picky Brian
What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?