It's good to hear society's rules are relaxing especially when it comes to
gender expression. Being
transgendered myself, it was no fun growing up as a teenager during the 60's
and 70's when the church
condemned who I was along with society. I grew up acting one way but feeling
another and carefully hid
my feelings. I never developed a healthy view of myself nor felt I had any
integrity. I can tell you
most of the gifts I had were never allowed to develop as I just couldn't
function without high levels
of anxiety. It's amazing I made it as far as I have.
So I applaud those people at that wedding. It's takes courage and strength to
be yourself in this world.
On 2/14/2016 10:05 PM, Ken Norton wrote:
Anyway, this was a very interesting wedding, to say the least. Half the
bridesmaids were male and half
the groomsmen were female. Best man was female. Given the rainbow color theme,
you could have assumed
that this was a gay wedding, but it was not. At least, I don't think it was.
Definitely unique, though.
Regardless, theyz payz their moneyz, I shootz their weddingz. Doesn't matter to
me as long as the check
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: