Sorry, I am not able to show off the results as there are pictures of
people that cannot be shown on the web because of safety/security
reasons, given the nature of their work, but will give word pictures
instead. I was photographing an event, Tuesday evening, with my
DMC-L1, but did a little experimentation/practice for the wedding on
Sunday. It never hurts to wake up the muscle memory. Also, I wanted to
do a "proof-of-concept" with the L1 to see how I felt about using it
as primary in this configuration.
I configured the camera to ISO 800, WB Sunlight, and B&W Dynamic
"film". I shot Raw+JPEG. Lens used was the OM Zuiko 24/2.8. Manual
exposure, set to F4 and 1/30.
B&W was acceptable for the client usage, but I wanted to see how
things stacked up between the in-camera processing and Lightroom
processing. Now, understand that this isn't my first rodeo with the
DMC-L1 in B&W, but it was the first time that I was paying attention
to a specific configuration for a specific use.
The results are fascinating. The in-camera JPEGs are simply wonderful.
Honestly, they have a Tri-X look that is very good. But I figured that
I can do better with Lightroom. Not only could I not do better in
Lightroom, I can't even get it to match. Very odd. There is a bit of
"secret sauce" in the DMC-L1 that is altering the curves in a way that
I can't quite figure out how to duplicate yet. Leica and Panasonic
worked together to develop these curves and they managed to do
something that works nearly perfectly. The skintones are lifted about
an entire zone over the typical B&W conversion.
While I really like this setup, I won't use it this weekend, but will
probably use it for my big annual event shoot coming up as they want
B&W images for their publications this year. And for that, I won't
even bother using RAW at all. I can shoot in-camera JPEG and upload to
them on-the-fly.
Anyway, just another oddball commentary/opinion piece on an obsolete
piece of gear.
Ken Norton
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: