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Re: [OM] Pictures!

Subject: Re: [OM] Pictures!
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 8 Feb 2016 12:54:03 -0800
On 2/8/2016 3:30 AM, Frank wrote:
Nice pictures, that 35-100mm gives a 3d pop as well in some pictures (which
I like).

Thanks! Some of those effects may not be lens alone ...

  I'll look into it.

It's key qualities are that it's tiny and weighs nothing. What's then a special 
bonus is that it's a good lens, too.

Did you try the noise reduction - color slider on this one? <

You've made a simplifying, but incorrect, assumption. I work in PS, not LR, and don't use the built-in NR or sharpening. This image involves at least three different levels of deconvolution sharpening, with hand adjusted and sometimes feathered masking between them. The only slider involved may be layer Opacity slider.

The original is softish, with insufficient DoF @ f9 for the result I was looking for. I did apply NR, NeatImage, and you can see the straight result in the background. For whatever reason, I decided I wanted the appearance of focus and detail for as much of the full depth of the flower as possible. So the slightly gritty or edgy look was intentional. There are other versions in there, but that's what I did at the time, possibly 'cause I was looking at lens resolution abilities. Another day would probably be different.

Some of the 3D effect you like may be the result of my playing with LCE, sharpening, etc. only on the subject, and separately muting the background. Sometimes, I blur backgrounds with edgy bokeh. I'm not sure I did that with any of these, but I certainly lowered brightness and contrast of some backgrounds.

Masked Marauder Moose

What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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