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Re: [OM] an image

Subject: Re: [OM] an image
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2016 13:44:02 -0800
On 1/26/2016 8:15 AM, Richard Lovison wrote:
Taken at the cape a year ago.  I miss the cape especially Wellfleet Bay 
Wildlife Sanctuary.



We love the Wellfleet Audubon Sanctuary, too! Even the shop is good. We have several beautifully decorated Italian melamine plates we bought there that we use all the time. Sushi goes on the square dragonfly and bamboo pair.

We have friends whose family owns a Historic Register house in Chatham. Of course, they can't afford to stay there in season, as they need the rental income to maintain the old house. When the timing of our fall trip works, we stay with them a few days while they are buttoning the house up for winter. So we've been three or four times.

We had a nice visit to the Heritage Museum and Gardens in Sandwich one year. We'll go again when the weather is nicer some year.

OTOH, is seems hard for a Left Coaster to "get" the Cape as something so special. Perhaps one must have grown up in the NE, with the serious winters and hot, steamy summers inland and have memories of happy summers there. After Labor Day, it's mostly just a bunch of towns like much of NE, that happen to be near beaches and water. Considering the number of people in Chatham in the Fall, it must be impossible to even move in summer. We did have fun last year "thrift shopping", following a brochure listing them from Chatham west 'til they were closing, then walking in a nice little sanctuary in Harwich. We got too much good stuff - and a nice, inexpensive suitcase to take it and our other acquisitions home. :-)

We're not much attracted to crowded summer resort areas. We were in La Jolla and San Diego this summer (to visit a friend). Usually, it's nice right out at the beaches, but there was a heat wave, and the place was jammed with people. Kind of comical, really, in La Jolla Village, as the groups went up and down the street, on their way to and from sea kayaking lessons/tours. LOTS of flesh on display. ;-) <http://zone-10.com/tope2/main.php?g2_itemId=18810>

Caped C. Moose

What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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