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[OM] How do I get a smarter camera?

Subject: [OM] How do I get a smarter camera?
From: Mike Gordon via olympus <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 2016 19:46:45 -0500
Cc: usher99@xxxxxxx
Surprised about the lack of contrast in the original file--SOOC jpeg?  In a 
pinch while traveling have transferred jpeg from cam to phone with Panny app 
and spruced up a bit in 
snapseed.    Am not a super fan of Belgian blondes (ales) as rather 
grassy/floral but that is a fan of Porters/Brown ales talking. 

On another gluten note (or lack thereof) my cousin from Seattle was visiting 
over Thanksgiving and made a pie crust with vodka.  Seem less gluten forms from 
gliadin and glutenin 
as it does not hydrate the proteins as much.  Very flaky results are seen 
--even if the lipid patrol had to take a day off.

Just finished installing 2TB SSD as boot drive in laptop after cloning the 
drive--took 5 hrs--so far no glitches detected.  Phew and huzzah.

 Not gluten free, Mike

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