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[OM] OT - Leica camera bags and everything else you might need (or not)

Subject: [OM] OT - Leica camera bags and everything else you might need (or not)
From: bj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 2016 02:59:46 +1300

Hi all, 

I have just (again) been looking for a specific "Safari"
camera bag of a style I bought years ago. it was made in Korea and I've
never seen one to match it. Mine was lost in our house fire. 

Just now
I did a search again, and tripped over this site which is aimed at Leica
users. Pages of all you might or might not need. It gets better lower
down ...


It seems this page is but one of many he has written. It's largely
(but not only) about (superficial) style. 

Cheers, Brian 

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