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Re: [OM] IMG: Fuji 35/2.0 at the Airport

Subject: Re: [OM] IMG: Fuji 35/2.0 at the Airport
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 6 Jan 2016 17:31:05 -0800
On 1/6/2016 8:00 AM, Paul Braun wrote:
Nicely done. That sweater is actually called a Baja Jacket. They originally 
came into California in the 70's and were popular with the surf crowd. Had a 
big resurgence in the early 2000's, then kind of died away again. I have one - 
they're quite warm and comfortable.

Well, that depends. I had one, bought, oh lets say in Oaxaca or Mazatlan, or ..., in the early '70s, that was pretty scratchy. Only because there were twigs and such in the weave. IT was a pretty common type at the time. Our cleaning woman laughed when she saw it, because it was made of trapo cloth, a rough cloth made for cleaning floors and such. She had some cleaning rags of the identical material.

I turned it over to her for deconstruction. :-)

Rags Moose

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