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Re: [OM] Clearing Fog - An editing exercise

Subject: Re: [OM] Clearing Fog - An editing exercise
From: Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 6 Jan 2016 19:17:56 -0500
This time I'll go with the Schnozz's nuked version.

Chuck Norcutt

On 1/6/2016 12:24 AM, Moose wrote:
On 1/3/2016 8:08 PM, Ken Norton wrote:
A super cool

Looks pretty warm to me, in WB, if not temp. ;-)

photograph of an Iowa morning, as edited by me, your lovable Schnozz.


Didn't you recently express some remorse about your recent period of ...
extreme ... images - and the better images missed in the process? I
meant to reply, but don't see that post. (Imaginary? Mind meld?) Seems
to me that many artists will at times need to go "too far", exploring
the edges and extremes, before coming back to a new version of their
long term vision, infused, perhaps subtly, but certainly importantly, by
what was learned on walkabout.

On 12/17/2015 6:32 AM, Ken Norton wrote:
I agree with that adjustment. I had it like that before, but backed it
off a touch because it looked a bit too edgy on some monitors. This is
an example of changing aesthetics where we've gotten much "louder" in
our photographs and a peaceful, tranquil scene are no longer
acceptable. Everything has to take on an "in you face" look.

And now this ... It's got "pop", but goes too far for my taste.
Remember, though, I'm not trying to sell anything where "loud" sells.

This is sort of an illustration in images of my process as I played with
the original.

I actually like several of them, although I'd go with "Cropped", at
least today. :-)

Looks a little nicer at the 1600 px wide size, but impossible for all
but those with larger screens than my 1920x1200 to both see the control
boxes and the sky.

A. Subtle Moose

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