Thanks, Chris. I had the problem that it was so dark, it was hard to see
where I had the focus set in the SL viewfinder. Oddly enough, at the
oyster roast, I had the opposite problem. The sun was so bright that I
could not see where the focus was set!! I'm sure there is a setting to
return the focus point to the center of the frame but I haven't found it
On Sun, Dec 20, 2015 at 1:55 AM, ChrisB <ftog@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> That looks an interesting place, Tina (to a foreigner, at least).
> I like most of the photos, but I should say that some of them were a
> little soft, perhaps out of focus. The “Red Neck” sign in the first
> Johnnie Walker, for instance, looks a little soft, as does the flag
> shot. In the two Juke Box images, I should say the the bar stools were
> in sharper focus than the man in the hat (what is it about hats and
> beards, or is it beards and hats?).
> The colours and compositions look pretty decent, as does the exposure.
> Chris
> On 20 Dec 15, at 00:19, Tina Manley <[1]images@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> We took a break from remodeling today and went with a friend to an
> oyster
> roast in Blacksburg. Those photos I'll process tomorrow. On the way
> back
> we stopped at a "secret" bar about 10 miles from our house, way through
> the
> woods and on back roads by a creek. We would never have found it on our
> own, but we will go back. Here are a few photos:
> [2]
> And hit NEXT for 14 times. This is a mixture of SL and Monochrom. The
> SL
> was much easier to focus! I converted a few of those photos to B&W.
> I would appreciate any opinions. This is not a camera test. I used
> different lenses and ISOs and exposures, whatever happened to fit the
> situation.
> References
> 1. mailto:images@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> 2.
> --
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