Congratulations on your sale, Bob. How big was the print?
> On 28 Nov 15, at 22:31, Bob Whitmire <fujixbob@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Taken while on a walk today. I really do like this phone. <g>
> <>
> And. because I haven't been terribly pedantic lately, I will further state
> that one of the principal reasons I love this phone is that it is helping
> me to see differently than I see with a "real" camera in my hand, even the
> diminutive Sony R100. In fact, deploying the iPhone recalls the vision
> shift I experienced when I started shooting exclusively with a 4x5 camera.
> You see shots differently. You plan them differently. You take them
> differently. And you process them differently. If St. Ansel were alive
> today, you can bet your booty he'd have a volume of iPhone photos out by
> now.
> Okay, maybe that's taking it to an (AG) extreme. <g> But when I wander
> around with the phone in my pocket, I'm not thinking about commercial
> applications. I'm not thinking about selling the photos I take. I'm just
> looking for subjects I think the iPhone might handle well, and differently.
> (Full Disclosure: I delivered my first iPhone sale in person today. It was
> not intentional. She saw it on Facebook and demanded a print.) Furthermore,
> when it comes to post processing, I'm using phone apps, not the big boys.
> Well, most of the time. I don't feel constrained by the same limits that
> nag at me when I'm shooting with a more traditional kit. If you're doing
> phone photography and you don't have Snapseed, you're missing the
> experience.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: