Saw the deal but wasn't tempted - glad to hear you got one and looking
forward to seeing what you can get out of it!
On 04/11/2015, Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 11/3/2015 9:18 AM, Ken Norton wrote:
>> Another version showing that the background is able to blur a little
>> more.
> Yes, that's nicer bokeh, and maybe a better portrait.
>> The fact is, if I really want to go "blob-o-matic", I'll use the 100/2.
> For me, and yes, I may be a fanatic, it's also about the distribution within
> the blobs. I'm still looking for the gear
> that will let me get something close to an airy disk distribution around
> highlights, small sources, etc.
> As shown here before, the LensBaby doublet Soft Focus, with or without focus
> plates, doesn't go where I want, although
> it moves in that direction with one plate. Now a couple of LensBaby
> singlets, and zone plate have come to be played
> with, via a refurbished sale.
> Perhaps of more interest ... That great enabler, Mike Johnston, posted
> today's Amazon Deal of the Day, the Lytron Illum,
> for $399. Unfortunately, there was still one left when I checked, but not
> after I checked out. ;-)
> Posted samples show some really interesting things that can be done with
> focal plane, DoF and bokeh. At the original
> $1600 and the reduced $1300, I couldn't see it. Available now for $600, but
> another $200 off flipped my trigger. With
> the last hurrah improvements in AF and in the Raw processing software, I'm
> kind of excited about the possibilities.
> O. O. F. Moose
> --
> What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
> --
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