Sorry, Chuck, I should have explained.
I get 30 days’ leave in addition to the public holidays; the same goes for
Nathan’s 35 days’ leave, except that he might have quite a few extra days off
work for other reasons, as I understand it (a couple of years ago EU
Commissioner was bemoaning the fact that EU civil servants can be away from
work for up to 61 days).
I think that there might be more US public holidays than the UK’s, but we still
get a fair amount more time off work. In my current job (I’m a civil servant
now) I am contracted to work a 42-hour week (7h 24m per day, plus lunch
period). But I frequently work a longer day and accumulate the hours to take
time off in lieu (TOIL). For instance I worked the weekend on a visit to
Soesterberg in the Netherland a few weeks ago, so last week I took 2 days’ TOIL
to make up for it.
> On 16 Oct 15, at 13:45, Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Why doesn't is sound like such a good deal? 17 holidays + 15 vacation days =
> 32 days off. You said you get 30. Where's the discrepancy?
> I'm not defending B&H against whatever charges they currently face but the
> number of days off here is pretty generous for a *small* US company.
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