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Re: [OM] Cambo Actus (view camera controls for mirrorless bodies)

Subject: Re: [OM] Cambo Actus (view camera controls for mirrorless bodies)
From: "Sawyer, Edward" <Ed.Sawyer@xxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 6 Oct 2015 14:20:33 +0000
They will have a larger than 44mm image circle, but would barely cover 645, if 
that. RZ67 will cover 7x7cm at least. 

The focal length difference can be made up for somewhat by having a larger 
image area to shift around in. not completely of course, but for a lot less 
than 35mm shift/tilt lenses go for probably. 

On 10/6/15, 6:16 AM, "olympus on behalf of olympus-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" 
<olympus-bounces+ed.sawyer=unh.edu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx on behalf of 
olympus-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>But, being shift lenses they should have an adequate image circle even 
>if not as large.  The main difference is availability of a 24mm focal 
>length vs 50mm minumum.
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