Thanks to a couple of tropical storms off the coast of Baja, we've had a
number of days of high humidity and solid overcast, though hardly any rain.
Yesterday morning I stepped outside to view the sky and immediately ran inside
to grab an E-500 and my new/used Samyang 18-28/4.0-4.5 lens so that I could
capture this unusual cloud formation:
It looks a bit like a Star Fleet emblem.
Speaking of new/used lenses, I scored a very rare Vivitar TX 35-105/3.5
lens on evilBay this morning. I have a couple of post-TX versions of this lens
(one branded as Hoya) where they had uncoupled the close-focus and converted it
to a macro focus that can only be used at 35mm by pushing the aperture ring
forward. I really like the T4 and TX series lenses even though they are quite
heavy, the 75-260/4.5 being a regular piece of field gear.
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro
- Hunter S. Thompson
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: