Thanks very much, Ian. I’ll have a look.
> On 12 Aug 15, at 07:26, SwissPace <ian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I would also look into a thermomix, pricey but very worth it
> < <>>
> unfortunately it looks like they have a new "fancy dancy" model out, we have
> the previous version, it is so much more than a food processor though and
> easily replaces an icecream maker (Ice cream in 20 seconds anyone) , rice
> cooker and bread maker - ok maybe not completely for the bread maker but it
> will make the dough (creating the flour from grain if you wish) ready for the
> oven. For us the main benefit though was you can leave it unattended for most
> of its activity and get on with other things.
> Its the best piece of kitchen equipment that we have used and apart from the
> kettle the most used (it could even replace the kettle I suppose :-) ) The
> only thing I would like it to do but doesn't is cook chips although I suspect
> it would have a go ;-)
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