I love the monkey!
But I saw little difference in (attractiveness of) bokeh between the Zuiko and
LBSF. I like both the aperture-blade shapes of the Zuiko and the round shapes
of the LBSF.
I agree, though, that the depth of focus seems a little better with the LBSF.
> On 10 Aug 15, at 00:09, Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> As those who are foolish enough to read my meanderings know, one of my
> endless interests is qualities of focus and bokeh. I am in love with the
> combination of clear detail with lack of edginess and with lovely OoF
> qualities of many old LF images. I some time ago came to the conclusion that
> such is probably not possible with smaller formats, likely a factor of
> absolute aperture diameters and lens to film distances.
> But I persevere. :-)
> My latest adventure in this direction is a LensBaby Soft Focus Optic, in
> their discontinued Scout optic holder, for straightforward helicoid focusing.
> After a few test shots, I did a more extensive experiment with near and far
> focus and some bright, tiny light sources in the background. For comparison,
> I took the same shots with an OM 50/1.4, last version.
> <
> <>>
> Annoyingly, the supposedly 50 mm LensBaby and Oly 50.1.4 have quite different
> actual FoVs; oh well. Interesting results, in any case, for me. It appears
> that the LBSF at f8 & 11 has a good combination of focus on a near subject
> and decent bokeh, certainly better than the conventional lens. It also seems
> that the LB has slightly deep DoF at the same nominal aperture?
> This is far from the worst bokeh I've seen out of conventional 50s, so I'll
> likely be trying to reproduce and compare some worse examples I've
> encountered.
> I didn't try the LBSF 50/2 at wider apertures for this comparison, as it
> really starts to live up to its name there. It has other uses, and a set of
> three 'normal' multiple opening aperture plates that do interesting things
> and a bunch of others for special bokeh effects. More to explore. It appears,
> and I've seen someone else say, that the Soft Focus Optic is very similar in
> image characteristics to their new 56/1.6 lens.
> BTW, those Alt.Moose images I recently posted that pretty much everyone
> ignored, perhaps rightly so, were products of the LB Spark Special Edition
> 50/2. Blame B&H daily specials. :-)
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