So it's really a transport bag, not a working bag.
BM's (Bags Moose) carry style is similar to mine. Camera around the neck
and maybe a lens in pocket but I rarely switch lenses mid walk. Camera
does not get a dedicated bag, just an Optech neoprene case. Just goes in
my backpack with the rest of the stuff when not around my neck. I do
have and use a 'transport bag' on road trips where I do carry a couple
of extra lenses and stuff which can't stay in the car over night. Years
ago I purchased a whole kit cheap for certain bits, sell the rest. I was
pleasantly surprised to find that the lot came in an old model khaki/tan
Hadley Pro! Wasn't mentioned in the description. Perfect for schlepping
between car and motel room.
Carrying around the neck with a backpack poses some problems too. I've
been using a small belt affair which consists of a piece of neoprene in
front with a hole for the lens to go through. This keeps the camera from
bouncing around but fast, easy access. My shooting harness does not play
nice with a backpack. I just ordered some bits from B&H to enable me to
clip the camera to the pack straps and take the weight off my neck. ...
we'll see.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: