The short answer is "yes and no". Just because you are paranoid doesn't
mean that they aren't out to get you.
The phone switches are designed to allow for government listening in. But
only of calls, not the room ambient between calls.
However, there are a few technological exceptions worth considering. Any
cellphone or IP phone can be remotely enabled and put into a listen mode.
There are apps for that. As there is no physical or electrical barrier from
outside to inside you are vulnerable to outside activation.
EVERY FIOS or cable interface box that has the ability to serve pots
equivalent service is at risk. Let me repeat this. EVERY one is vulnerable.
In fact, every IP phone that does not carry a security rating is open for
outside activation.
The only exceptions are those that have a gap between the mic/speaker and
the electronics.
Are these phone connections hackable? Absolutely. I've seen it with my
own eyes.
Btw, did you know that removing the battery from your cellphone doesn't
totally kill the phone?
Anyway, back to the topic at hand. If you have FIOS or a cable modem or
equivalent that uses VOiP, I would recommend that you connect this to older
telephone technology that has a true disconnect function and absolutely not
a VOiP phone.
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