But does the west coast not experience the norms of a continental climate
rather than a maritime? Or should I have described the UK?s as a temperate,
maritime climate?
Being 900mi north of Moose we get the same Mediterranean/Maritime
climate. But cooler dry summers and not much fog. Cooler damp winters.
Similar temps but much different from the UK rainfall pattern where it
rains all year long. However here locally we are additionally in the
rainshadow of the Olympic Mtns where rainfall goes from a low of 400mm
and quickly increases with distance. We get in the 600mm range. Similar
to Piers' neck of the woods I think but 60% bunched in the Nov-Jan 3
month period. This little island is 20mi N>>S getting ~ 425mm in the
south to 750+ at the northern tip. We're right in the middle.
True continental climate is to the east of the Rockies with a modified
continental influence between the Rockies and the coast ranges. We get
an occasional taste of the continental influence when a high sets up
inland and overpowers the typical westerlies moving the jetstream north
of us. In winter we get an arctic outflow blast down the Frazer and
Columbia Canyons which in the summer becomes a heat wave.
Today we shifted to an off shore flow accompanied with orange
smoke-filled sky. At least it has kept the temps down.This summer is an
anomaly. The warm pool of water off the coast is really mucking things up!
lesson over, prepare for a snap quiz.
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