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Re: [OM] IMG: Airport Observations

Subject: Re: [OM] IMG: Airport Observations
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2015 16:22:48 -0500
> My wife and I used to joke about the
> sources of whiffs of smoke over the Bear Creek backwoods in North Alabama,
> as we flew over on our journeys back to Mississippi.  But, I kept my
> distance.

The January 9th AOPA "Never Again" story is about this exact thing.


“Those weren’t barbeque grills, son, they were moonshine stills,” he
said. “Those moonshiners saw your airplane, figured you were a federal
revenue agent, and took a shot at you! I knew you were between 3,000
and 5,000 feet because if you were lower than 3,000 feet the bullet
would have clipped through the entire wing; and if you had been above
5,000 feet nobody with a pistol would have tried to hit you."

Ken Norton
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