Ooo, thank so much Paul and thanks for looking and commenting Moose, Bob, Rick
and Jim.
I stalked her for about an hour with Marnie (before she froze) helping me
shlep gear. I think I snuck up to about 70 ft away or so before I spooked her
again. That was the last shot (and from the shortest distance) and almost none
of the remaining 40 shots were any good. (wonder if I should have tattled on
myself) I had her nicely isolated at a larger aperture on a cool looking
branch, peering at me with wings about ready to go but I front focused a tad.
Don't look at 100% as the TC seems to cause a moderate amount of CA--cloned
out/ameliorated some. I think it would be much easier with Fancy Fast AF, high
frame rates and really really nice fast IS optics or at least a Wimberly
sidekick or clone. Not really much of a birder, but got a heads up that one
was not too far. Not sure how MFT kits using CDAF does with BIF, but suspect
pretty good already and even better soon.
Perhaps better with B'flys, Mike
What a great shot! Love the expression. Nicely composed and everything.
On Sun, Apr 5, 2015 at 9:48 PM, Mike Gordon via olympus
<olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
It was quite brisk and blowing today especially in the Salisbury Reserve area
on the beach.
Never had a shot of a Snowy Owl before, heard they were out, and spotted one.
Needed to keep SS up despite my largest pod
due to the wind. Yes , that is snow (sigh).!i=3974766908&k=32VTZGS&lb=1&s=XL
No defrost, Mike
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition:
Paul Braun WD9GCO
Certified Music Junkie
"Music washes from the soul the dust of everyday life." -- Berthold Auerbach
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: