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Re: [OM] IMGs: Yard Sale Treasure

Subject: Re: [OM] IMGs: Yard Sale Treasure
From: "Bill Pearce" <billcpearce@xxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2015 11:56:41 -0500
Forgive me for expressing what we all are thinking, but why do you want to drill breasts?

-----Original Message----- From: Chris Trask
Sent: Monday, March 23, 2015 11:41 AM
To: Olympus Discussion Group
Subject: [OM] IMGs: Yard Sale Treasure

On Saturday I did my usual cycling tour of nearby yard sales, and I came away with a real treasure:



It's an intact Millers Falls breast drill. It's a bit rusty, and the chuck collar is frozen for now. But, I will take however long it takes to carefully free it using Liquid Wrench and some gentle vise-gripping, then disassemble it and give it a thorough cleaning.

I found an identical one on evilBay with a photo that shows it mostly disassembled, so I know what I'm dealing with:


There are three positions for the crank length, and two speeds on the crown gear. It's a far better breast drill than I ever thought I would find, and since I paid just $15 for it, it will be worth the effort.


When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro
    - Hunter S. Thompson
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