Marnie thought the lunch at Tai Pan was perhaps the best of the trip. Hats off
to Juliana for ordering. She even arrived early to be sure to give the kitchen
a heads up for a special soup
that takes awhile to prepare. It was indeed special.
Here is a shot of us just before we left fro Palo Alto to finally meet Jeff and
I am not blameless for all the stuff with 2 bags of gear including a bunch of
OM stuff. I did shoot some Tri-X with OM gear at the lunch but not
processed yet. Moose's shot is better but there is one problem--no Moose. Here
is one though will replace with OM version (OM-2 with Jeff's 24 shift) if it
turns out better.!i=3932058824&k=PZQ5SCN&lb=1&s=M
As we seem to be in lunch mode, here is another lunch shot while we're at it at
Marnie slightly in front of focal plane and fill flash not that successful.
Now that I do the calculations with the tiny flash with GN 4 at ISO 100 at
ISO 200 with f13 had to be a stop closer to have much effect.
Not much to be done with weak flash and slow max sync speed but get very close.
I think we did actually get a few nice shots during the trip.
Focused on Lunch first, Mike
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: