Late Last Thursday, Mike and Marnie arrived Chez Carol and Moose. Friday, we set out on a little vacation trip to the
Monterey and Big Sur area.
It qualifies as a Zuikofest, as OM-1, 35 Shift, E-M5 Mark II, E-M5, E-PL2 and D.Z 9-18, 12-50, 14-150, 75-300, 80/2.8
Macro, 45/1.8 and 75/1.8 went, accompanied by their human attendants.
Our first stop was for lunch with Jeff Keller and his wife in Palo Alto. Jeff is a long time listee who seldom posts
these days, but still has what seems to be an amazingly complete collection of OM gear.
Jeff famously helped Mike snag one of his C-V Apo Lanthars. Turns out that, like every Listee I've met so far, Jeff is a
really sweet and interesting guy. I knew even less about his wife, only that he has one. Juliana turns out to be a
really nice, engaging person.
I got to hold and fondle an OM-3Ti for only the second time, and watch Mike play with a 21 Shift. (OT, we also met the
new Canon FF 11-24/4, an impressive, perhaps even frightening beast.) :-)
They are also quite generous hosts, treating us to a scrumptious Chinese lunch. Juliana ordered in Chinese, and they are
regulars there, so we got the best food and service.
Thanks again, Jeff and Juliana!!
Eatin' & Travelin' Moose
What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: