I bought a non -ed glass, canon 200mm ,f2.8 lens a while back after a long
thread here on the non-ed glass OM 180mm f2.8.
The canon is very well built and I have been pleased with results one stop
down or wide open, where I have been mostly using it. The downside is
significant purple/green fringing on high contrast edges, or specular
reflections etc.
Nikon has a similar vintage 200mm f2.8 prime, that was recommended on the list
for good performance (it has advantage of an ED element) and is also relatively
inexpensive used.
An interesting related effect with many lenses is that black lettering on
white, often seems to shift to a blue black with lens wide open and becomes
blacker as you stop down. (There is a very good Zeiss position paper on MTF
testing that discusses a lot of these interesting issues ,fringing,focus plane
versus wavelength etc). It would be interesting if lens review websites showed
the black-white edge "step response", sagital and tangential at different
positions from center(see zeiss paper), as well as all the other MTF stuff they
Photozone has reviews, where as you move the cursor over the Fstop selection
shown, at the top of the image, you see the change in "Bokeh fringing" (along
with DOF/sharpness). This means, you can also see any color shift on the "in
focus" image, as the lens is opened up or stopped down along with bokeh/out of
focus fringing effects.
Here are two comparisons I found interesting:
The 180mm f2.8 ED Nikon:
A current f2.8,200mm zoom iteration from Canon:
Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 USM L IS II
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Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: http://www.tope.nl/